Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Territorial Behavior in Employees

When we were children we were taught to share our toys.  Through sharing we learned patience (waiting our turn), problem solving (who gets to play with what) and social skills (discussing and reaching solutions). 

Now, let's fast-forward a few years into the work environment where one of the most important assets any organization has is the combined knowledge and expertise of its employees.  "Combined knowledge" would infer that information is shared in the workplace.  Where information is not shared, information silos develop having a profound effect on your ability to develop a cooperative work environment.

So, why do some employees guard information so carefully?    On a very basic level, its job security.    If knowledge is power, sharing knowledge is a loss of power.  Company information is seen as intellectual property for the individual. Territorial employees control the flow of information in an effort to make themselves irreplaceable.    If the employee feels threatened, he/she may become territorial and retain information or information is meted out in meager portions.  Be observant.  Territorial behavior isn't restricted to only employees.  It can be observed between managers and even departments. 

End your turf wars.   Work with your employees to foster an environment of sharing. 

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