Thursday, February 4, 2010

So You Didn't Get The Job - Don't Beat Yourself Up!

You applied for a job you felt you were reasonably qualified for. You made it through the phone screen and an initial face-to-face meeting. You dressed for the interview, researched the company, stressed over the behavioral interview, answered their questions to the best of your knowledge, and asked (you thought) the right questions in return.

After all of this you didn’t get the job. But neither did the 498 other individuals that also applied for the position.

But your question is “Why?”

If you are lucky enough to get an answer to the “why” it is probably the standard response that the company is moving forward with another candidate that is a better fit.

You have the right qualifications, training, experience, education, potential – why aren’t you the right “fit”? Unfortunately sometimes the right “fit” is something other than having the right qualifications for the position. But you won’t hear those comments from the employer!

Have you ever had that interview where you didn’t feel a connection with the interviewer? Sometimes the final decision comes down to whether or not the interviewer “liked” you. Perhaps you are an excellent candidate and in the recruiters mind “a threat to my position”. Hey, it happens! Perhaps you are “too qualified” and the employer feels that once the economy turns around you will head to greener pastures. The employer will lose any equity they have in you. Remember, there are always two agendas to an interview. Your agenda and the agenda of the company.

The job market has changed and there’s a lot of competition out there. Find the job that you want and that’s a good fit for your talents. Stay positive. It will happen!

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