Friday, June 3, 2011

50 Ways a Manager Can Get Employees to Quit

Yeah, you read the title right. For just a moment let's talk about bad managers. They can demotivate employees. They can kill morale. They can kill productivity.

The other day, while surfing the Internet, I ran across this blog entry at While the blog entry initially made me smile, after reflecting for a moment that smile turned to a grimace.

I'm not going to post the entire list of 50 from the blog. What you see below are the top 10 violations that I have seen in many organizations. My personal favorite violation, while not on the list below, was a manager who never looked up from her computer when having a discussion with an employee. From her perspective she was "multi-tasking" which wasn't rude, but actually efficient.

How many of these have you seen in your organization? Are you guilty of these yourself and you're just not aware of it?

1. Avoid looking people in the eye.
2. You know that Tony is a slacker, but he is really cool to hang out with so keep him around and give him really good reviews.
3. You never cross train anybody on anything. The skills they walked in with are the skills they are leaving with.
4. Mandate a new policy without consulting a single person that will have to live with it.
5. Talk more than you listen.
6. Always take sides in disputes instead of moderating.
7. Buy the team lunch and always forget that Vegan in the corner. . . he'll come around.
8. Call the redhead guy on the team Rusty. Everyone will laugh and you are sure to win their hearts.
9. Consistency is good. Never ask your employees if they are challenged enough or want to take on more responsibility.
10. Suzy can take 20 minute breaks instead of 10 because she's a little cuter than Paul.

Do any of the above sound familiar? I hope not!!

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