Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Pre-Employment "Testing"

There are personality tests and aptitude (cognitive) tests. There are personality tests that tell you "which side of the brain you use more." Reportedly they “minimize the high cost of employee turnover”.

Career Builder offers career and personality testing such as The Job Discovery Wizard - “discover what jobs are a match for you based on your skills with the Job Discovery Wizard.” The Career Planner Quiz - “Get a snapshot of jobs that are a fit for you. Use this insight for planning for a career or if you are considering switching jobs.” There is also the Career Planner Report and the Job Satisfaction Quiz.

My question to you - are these tests truly an effective measure of a person’s mental ability or potential?

Now there is another test for use in the pre-employment process, the Color Career Test. It uses color preference to determine which career path will be successful for an individual.

I poked around on one website. It was rather entertaining and provided a rather unique perspective. Before you read any further, take a look at the color options below and choose the one that best fits your personality!

1. Orange
2. Gold
3. Green
4. Blue
5. Red

Now that you have picked your "personality" color, read the below to see what the professionals say about you.

The color is related to energy, strength and power. Your preferred choice of orange shows you are a fighter. You love to win (okay – who doesn’t?). You are a competitor. You are considered more suitable for careers in sports, architecture and engineering. Color personality tests term you as an energetic motivator.

Represents loyalty and responsibility. If it’s your primary choice, you are an organizer. You love a peaceful environment. You value work and service-oriented tasks. You have a greater degree of performance, stability and orderliness.

Represents persistent, decisive and resistant state of mind. You are considered assertive. You care very little for feelings and focus on the available information before making a decision. They consider you to be suitable for careers in science, research, accounts and auditing.

Calmness. With it as your primary color, you are considered creative, balanced and harmonious. You avoid too many conflicting opinions. You are peaceful and possess a developed aesthetic sense. You are considered suitable for careers in art, music and literature.

The color excites. It is associated with enthusiasm, strength and competitiveness. You love and hate with a certain degree of intensity. You are courageous. You are considered better for careers in surgery, emergency medical services, athletics, etc. You can communicate well and tend to be talkative. When you start listening to others, you can solve problems with others.

Aren't we better judges of our career choices than a psychological instrument?

What do you think?

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